Do you aspire to be an online entrepreneur?
Well, you have come to the right place. I just happen to be one 🙂
To be an online entrepreneur, it is best that you have your own website for your online business.
Although it may not be necessary to have your own website to be an online entrepreneur, having your own website will provide you the platform to build the foundation of your online business and enhancing your brand.
You can read my post on how to build a website for your own work at home online business here.
Want Your Website to be Profitable? – Bring in traffic
A beautiful website alone is not enough if you intend on making money in the online world.
Why? Because a beautiful website is not going to help to bring traffic to your website.
When I say traffic, I mean bringing in visitors to your website.
If there are no visitors, means no business. No business means you are not able to make money.
The Best Way to Get Online Traffic? – Be on the first 3 pages at Google
There are many ways to get traffic to your website.
From promoting your website and related products to social media to implementing advanced online marketing techniques.
However, one sure-fire way to bring traffics to your website is by positioning your website to the first 3 pages of a search engine such as Google.
So how do you do that?
To get a high ranking in the search engine, there are several ways to do that.
For long term and continuous online success, you need to do and remember these two things:
- Find and use keywords with relatively high traffic but have low competition. We call it “low hanging fruit” keywords 😉
- Write quality content that is engaging to the visitors
How to find and use keywords with relatively high traffic but have low competition?
To find a great keyword that gives you good traffic but still low on competition, there are some techniques that you can implement.
But if you want to save time and make your search for keywords fast, easy, and effective, you got to get yourself a reliable and powerful keyword tool.
My keyword search tool of choice is Jaaxy.
My search for great keywords with high traffics and low competition has never been so much easier since I used Jaaxy.
I highly recommend you to use Jaaxy as your keyword tool of choice.
I have discussed further on Jaaxy in my post here (Keyword Search Tips – For High Ranking in Google Search) and also on how Jaaxy can help to find a great niche here (How to Find Profitable Niche Market).
How to Write Quality Content for Your Website
Of all the things that I have discussed in this post, this is the most important.
You can have the best-looking website, search for the best keyword ideas, using the best tools around, but it would not help you much in getting a good ranking on Google, much less getting traffic.
Like I said just now, no traffic means no visitors. No visitors means no chance for sales. No sales mean you are not making any money.
So, you want to have good quality content for your website.
Write contents that are engaging
The best article post is usually the one that engages their audience.
Here is one tip on the best way to engage the audience.
Write your content in a conversational tone.

Write in a conversational tone
Your audience will relate to your more and will not feel alienated or felt unengaged with you.
While writing your own engaging “content”, please don’t just simply write a long-winded post without much structure in it.
You will risk making your audience bored and left your website.
- Remember these seven things for quality page or post:
- A short and small paragraph
- Divide and separate your post or page into several subtopics.
- Use a bigger or bolded heading for your title on your subtopics
- Use black or dark grey text on a white background
- Write in a conversational tone
- Use an eye-catching or impactful headline
- Put relevant images on your post
The main goal when writing quality content is to show people something within a context, and not to simply tell people.
Let me show you an example here:
Option A – Show people how you can easily build a website in under 1 minute, perhaps even with a video demonstration that walks them through the whole process
Option B – Tell people what is a website and how to build one in under 1 minute
From the two options, which one do you think will provide a better impact on your audience and gives more benefits?
So you can see here that there is a big difference between showing and telling people.
Here is an example of how do I write content using the above criteria.
Webpage: BUILD YOUR OWN WEBSITE – For Work At Home Online Business
No spun content and plagiarized content, please!
When writing your content please be aware that, writing garbage and simplistic content does not count.
And please no spun content or plagiarized work!
Google will quickly recognize these things and your website will be penalized for it.
How? By condemning your website from the search engine purgatory, and there goes all your work down the drain.
You can read what Google has to say about duplicate content here.
There you have it folks, my tips on how to write quality content for your website that can help to boost the ranking of your website and in turn attract more visitors in the long term.
If you have any questions or feedback, please just drop me a comment below.