You might already be sick of working, want to quit your office job, and just do what you really love. It is surprising how we easily get stuck in what seems to be the only existing path for most of us.
Most of us work an unfulfilling job for more than 20 years now so just you could pay your bills, or retire at 65, or worrying and thinking that we could at least retire at 70 and still enjoy at least a few years before passing away.
This is what most of us are at, and we already saw many people who have followed it to the end. However, is it really what we only have as an option?
Other Options to Escape the Rat Race?
Do we have other options to escape this rat race and live the life that we really want? The good news is, there are definitely some options. However, they may still require some effort, as we know that there are no schemes that will get us rich quickly in order to escape the rat race. There really aren’t any.

There are different perspectives that most of us might not have thought about before. While it will give encouragement in reconsidering your current state and lifestyle, you are still the one to decide what path will suit you best. It will open new opportunities for your life. There are different life paths that you can consider and as you learn about them, ask yourself which is the right path for you.
Traditional office job

The most common path in life is the traditional office job. You have the standard life where you wake up in the morning, go to the office at 7-9am and spend time working all day. You might be in a situation between downright hating it or tolerating it.
Here, you might be stuck in your career and you are growing as a person, thus, you are not excited about your job. You are scraping by and you feel totally unfulfilled. It is like you are working just to put food on the table, to pay the bills, and to have a place to live at.
On the other hand, perhaps you are lucky enough to be able to make a decent amount of money on this life path. Because of that, you have a good car, a nice house, and some money to spend extra. You are living a comfortable life.
Yet you are still thinking that you will have to work well until you are 65 or 70 so you can maintain this kind of lifestyle. You may still be cursing your job and wish you could escape the rate race and just do what you really love.
Can you relate to this?

Vacation-oriented lifestyle
You know you are in this kind of lifestyle when you alternate work and vacations. Generally, you would take a few weeks or months of downtime all throughout the year. Or perhaps you are even taking a break for one year from time to time. In this case, you are obviously not making as much money as those who’ve been working all year long. You are also not an extravagant person to start with. You are okay with a simple lifestyle and it is more than worth the capability to have some vacations and enjoy your breaks.

You may have a hard time climbing the corporate ladder and get a conventional career. Regardless, you have few complaints about it. This is most likely because you never thought of really joining the rat race to start with. Whenever you are on vacation or you spend your free time for yourself, you are giving yourself the opportunity to learn new skills, which you can also use for generating money in the coming years.
The best benefit of this kind of lifestyle is that you can enjoy your life without having to wait for your retirement. Your mindset is that you are committed to enjoy your life while you can because you don’t know whether you will be healthy enough when you retire or you don’t know how long you will be around.
Does it sound like you?

Passion-oriented lifestyle
In this kind of lifestyle, you spend time doing what you love each day. You are excited to start your day as soon as you wake up in the morning, and work does not really feel like work to you. It might not be providing you a lot of money, but you like what you’re doing.
You are also satisfied with what you are earning but you are also not spending a lot. You may have a smaller house compared to your neighbors or friends, and you might have a cheaper or older car, but those things don’t really bother you.

Most of us haven’t really found what we love to do, so this type of lifestyle is not really common. You have to find what you love to do so you can live the life you want, thus, you feel happy and contented with your life.
If you haven’t found what you love doing, the time will come that you can figure out that passion. It may take a year or decade, but it will all be worth it.
Early retirement
This is the life path where you are determined to escape the rat race as soon as possible. The normal way of saving is to invest 10% of your income for retirement.
But you are not going to follow it because you don’t want to stay at your job for 30-40 years. Instead, you are saving 60-80% of your income so you can leave your job when you have enough money. You are thinking that you can do what you love to do after you save enough.

It is possible to retire early as there are people who were able to retire in their 20s after they work for just 5 years. This is not a common life path but it is possible to retire in your 40s or 50s. You just think that it is not acceptable to still work at 60 or 70.
You may consider taking too many vacations just drain your savings and reduce your chance to escape the rat race. To have a life of freedom, you don’t need designer clothes, no expensive car, and no luxury home. This is the mindset of breaking free as fast as you can, regardless if it is quite not comfortable for now.

Lifestyle to Escape The Rat Race
Know what lifestyle is suited for you. One may be impossible for you, but you may have not heard about them before. Perhaps you are not ready to give up what you have now and do what you love.
You know that you are living the life you want when you are not thinking of escaping that situation. We have our own different situations, but I hope this helps escape the rat race by opening your eyes to new possibilities.
Are you interested in making the first steps to escape the rat race and join the community of aspiring and successful online business owners? Click Here and learn more about my No.1 Online Training Centre for Affiliate Marketing to a Be Successful Online Entrepreneur.
Man is difficult to get out of his darkness, why? Because not brave enough!
I also had time with no direction for the future. I don’t know what I want, what I need and how to do it, … Then I found a way for myself, but I didn’t have the courage to get out of my shadow.
Affiliate marketing is probably my first step out of my shadow.
Thanks for your post.
I wholly agree with you Nguyen. It is not easy to escape from the rat race and emerge from the darkness. Online business is one of our best bet and affiliate marketing is the way to go. Let us do our best. Thank you for your kind comment.
I first got exposed to this term of escaping the rat race through Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad. He even invented a board game that consisted of escaping the rat race.
So thank you very much for giving us valuable insights into what we can do to in fact escape this rat race.
Hi Abel, yes I am the same too. Only when I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book I realized that I was on a rat race wheel all along. I believe this online business endeavor will help us to break free from the clutches of the rat race. All the best to you in your quest to escape the rat race.
Hi Dominic
Thanks for sharing your views on escaping the rat race. Traditional office job and vacation oriented lifestyle have their positive and negative. With proper planning it is possible to live the lifestyle we want. It is mandatory to learn the ways so we can come out of rat race .If you keep on doing what we were doing till now, we shall remain on the same place . Hence it is necessary to change the path and I believe your recommendation can be one such path.
Thanks and regards,
Gaurav Gaur
Thank you and I appreciate your comment Gaurav. It is imperative that we plan properly for our escape from the rat race. Just simply going out there and doing our best without much proper planning and most importantly guidance, is usually going to help us change our life. That’s why I believe programs such as wealthy affiliate can really help people like us to be more successful online and maybe eventually bring us the freedom we always want.
Thanks for the great text.
It provides great information, I guess based on personal experience.
I will follow your posts.
Thanks Anna, I appreciate your feedback and comment.
Great content.
I myself had just this goal when I joined the Wealthy Affiliate community.Your text is really full of self-confidence, and I would say that in a way it is the initial capsule for the reader, who is sick of daily harassment at work, stress and humiliation.
I will definitely recommend your site, I really liked it.
It seems encouraging, I think it could benefit many.
I wish you a lot of success in your further work, and I think that this Affiliate community of ours will get the membership thanks to you.
Of course, I wish you good earnings!
With love,
Hi Anna, thank you very much for your kind feedback and comment. This blog post is meant for me to share how we can look out for opportunities and escape the rat race. I am glad you find this post useful and I also wish you the best in your online journey.
Great thoughts on living a life of freedom!
Retiring early from a job which is not in-line with your passion might be a nice plan. However, a life of freedom would be to work on your passion so that you don’t feel disgruntled with your everyday job.
Your thoughts for living a life of freedom covers all possible aspects. It is only to pick up one of these directions, work on it, and achieve financial freedom.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Rohit for your comment. If we start with something we are passionate about, that is usually the easier path to go to first. The other way is to find the niche you are interested in with little to no competition.
I stumbled upon your blog post on escaping the rat race and found it incredibly inspiring. I have been feeling trapped in my current job and have been yearning for a change that would allow me to live the life I truly want.
Your post gave me a lot of valuable insights and tips on how to break free from the corporate world and create my own path. I especially loved the idea of developing a personal mission statement and focusing on my values and goals.
I believe that life is too short to spend it doing something that doesn’t bring you joy and fulfillment, and your post reinforced my belief that it is possible to escape the rat race and create a life of your own design.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience, and I look forward to reading more of your content in the future.
Hi Dave, thank you for your comment as well. I found your sharing to be inspiring too and worth knowing. Escaping the rat race is a dream worth pursuing many of us who are feeling trapped and stuck in our workplace or job.
This issue that you mentioned is a thing that most of us are dealing with it. It’s a delight to read your post. I agree with what you said, “Most of us haven’t found what we love to do.” maybe if we find what we love and what we want to do we can enjoy and escape the rat race,
wish to read more of your posts. Thanks, for sharing.
Hi Liam, yes you are definitely right. Escaping the rat race while doing something we love is a dream most people would like to achieve. This is something that I intend to share through this site where I share my journey and knowledge I gather from all over the online world on achieving financial and time freedom, and getting off from the corporate wheelchair. To your point, it is possible to do something we love to do in affiliate marketing. When we start, we can start by finding a niche market in something we love to do. For example, if we love to do workouts, we can find go for workout machine niche and promote the workout machine/apparatus and earn commission every time we make an online sale. Hopefully, this helps a bit, Liam.