Dominic Tay Bestseller Income Seminar Review (Also known as Bestselling Profits Workshop Review)
Name: Bestseller Income Seminar (also known as Bestselling Profits Workshop)
Website: https://dominictay.com/
Price: USD500 (Approximate)
Owners: Dominic Tay
Overall Rank: 75 out of 100
Bestseller Income Seminar/Bestselling Profits Workshop Overview

The Good & the Bad
The Good:
PRO #1 Very comprehensive training on how to get your eBook written fast
PRO #2 Superb training how to write a killer sales pitch for your eBook
PRO #3 Very humble, and more than willing to share his knowledge
The Bad:
CON #1 Upsells are very expensive
CON #2 His best training, support, and tools only in his upsells
CON#3 Selling eBooks/Books on Amazon is super competitive and success not assured at all
Who is Bestselling Income Seminar For?
Bestseller Income Review is targeted to those who are interested in exploring to make money selling eBooks in the Amazon platform.
The audience tends to be working adults or retired people looking to have extra income selling their own eBooks exclusively through Amazon.
Bestselling Income Seminar Tools & Training
Free Training Seminar
The first free training conducted via webinar or Zoom, demonstrating how one can write an eBook and profit it by selling them exclusively Amazon.
All the basics of how to be a profitable eBook writer are shown in brief.
But as one might say, the devils are in the details. So in his free training, Dominic Tay of course promotes his Bestselling Income Seminar which will be a 3 days or 2 days full training seminar.
For those who are very sharp and smart, one can probably learn from this seminar and run with it, especially if he/she is already an established/proficient writer. The learning curve can be quite steep but at least you don’t have to pay for his expensive training seminar.
Bestselling Income Seminar (3 Days Full Training)
The full 3 days training is very compact and super comprehensive. By the end of the 3rd Day, one should fully understand and know how to create an eBook from scratch, publish the book on Amazon and sell it for profit.
The overall overview of the training is called the Bestselling Profits Blueprint
- 1. Topic Selections
- 2. Unique Positioning
- 3. eBook Creation
- 4. Publishing
- 5. Reviews Marketing
Topic Selections
Without going into the details, in this session, Dominic will guide his students on how to choose the best topic to dive into.
It started with looking into the Amazon bestseller list. This is very important as the bestseller list shows us broadly what type of books that a hot-seller and how can we emulate the book’s success.
Dominic will show how to target profitable sub-categories to target. From the sub-category, we can start to identify possible topics to go into.
Once sub-categories and topics are identified, Dominic will start to show how to identify keywords to target using Amazon autosuggest. This method is a bit like looking at niche keywords using Google Search autosuggest.
You are then required to shortlist the keywords into primary and secondary keywords.
The whole process for this topic selections are long and tedious, but it works really well. Dominic does have his own proprietary software website as an upsell to shorten this process which I will share later.
Unique Positioning
This training is all about identifying the desires and frustrations in the marketplace.
After identifying the desires and frustrations of your potential buyers, you will be trained to come up with your book USP, short for Unique Selling Propositions.
Dominic Tay really shines at this where he has cultivated a deep understanding of human psychologies especially when it comes to customer needs and wants.
Dominic is truly a master in this realm, and it is no wonder he was able to sell his books and especially his courses well.
eBook Creation
In this session, the training starts with deciding the title of your eBook.
There is a system to come up with a tantalizing and attractive title based on the keywords and USP that you have come up with from the previous training section.
Once you have come up with your own title that you are satisfied with, you are asked to try and design your own book cover using Canva. The designing process can be fun, but ultimately Dominic would recommend you to get professionals to design your book cover at a cheap price. The easiest way is to find a designer at Fiverr. You can get your eBook cover for just $5 in a couple of days.
Believe it or not, despite promoting his courses as making money by selling eBooks on Amazon, the eBook creation is one of the simplest and easiest to execute.
You want to know why? This is because Dominic does not encourage you to write your own book. Especially if you are not a native English speaker or a good writer.
Even if you are a good writer it will take a long time for you to write books if you are not an experienced writer. Even experienced writer gets writer’s block sometimes.
Dominic’s solutions? Maybe you guess it right, which is outsourcing your book writing to a ghost-writer. You will be provided with some set criteria to look for in a writer to ensure you can get the possible book write-ups. You can find them at Upwork or freelancer.sg. As a bonus, you will be given a few recommended writers and proofreaders. This can save you time from looking for your suitable writers although they can be quite in-demand and you may have to book them in advance for writing assignment.
The Publishing session is quite a straightforward training session as all the needed guidelines actually already available in Amazon KDP itself.
What is Amazon KDP you asked? KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing and is a book publishing platform by Amazon that can be used for self-publishing a book online, which can be then purchased as an eBook or print-on-demand book.
You start by selecting a pen name. There is a correct and safe way to find and choose your own unique pen name.
After you have a pen name, you will be guided on how to create an irresistible eBook description in a step-by-step manner. Dominic is a master in this area and the way he helps you to put the book description will definitely put eyeballs on your book.
Next, you will select your most relevant categories, followed by the process to upload your eBook and most importantly how to price your book on the initial stage.
Reviews Marketing
The last part of the Bestselling Income Seminar is the reviews marketing session.
Essentially, your eBook needs to get at least 15 positive reviews before you can get proper traction for your book sales.
This is easier said than done though, as Amazon is getting more and more strict by the day and no longer as easy to get positive reviews in Amazon compared to 5-6 years ago.
The session here can easily be outdated as Amazon is clamping on what it’s called the “fake reviews”.

1st UPSELL – Akdominator software.
Akdominator is a powerful Amazon Kindle tool to help you to
- Identify your topic selection with just a few clicks, using Topic Spy
- Isolate money-making, primary keywords within minutes, using Keyword Warrior
- Craft titles that sound like bestsellers from the get-go using eBook Title Craftsman
- Model after attention-grabbing descriptions of bestsellers (and create your own) using eBook Description Wizard
- Generate pen names and check them against Google search using Pen Name Generator
- Customize your message for writers and designers using Template Generators
- Get practical suggestions on selecting your USP(s) using USP Strategizer
2nd UPSELL- BIS Inner Circle
As the name implied, this is an option to join Dominic Tay’s inner circle group where you will be a part of a “special” group of people that will have monthly group training/discussion/Q&A once a month exclusively with Dominic Tay himself.
There is also a Monthly Training Series especially given for participants of the BIS Inner Circle. The exclusive training will go further comprehensively on creating and owning multiple passive income streams from a single content:
- eBooks
- Physical books
- Audiobooks
- Affiliate products
3rd UPSELL- One on One Personal Mentoring (Also known as Path-to-Millions Mentoring)
The last and most exclusive package is the private one on one session (at least once a month) with the non-other than the Master Trainer himself, Dominic Tay.
Bestselling Income Seminar Support
There is a support email provided. The response reply duration will be normally within 1 day to 3 days.
There is a community forum for discussion and sharing with fellow program members. There are not a lot of members, and not that active.
The owner Dominic Tay is not active in that forum. He can be contacted directly through a designated email and he typically replies within 3-4 days.
Bestselling Income Seminar Price
Free Training Seminar: FREE
Bestselling Income Seminar (3 Days Full Training) :
1st UPSELL Akdominator software: USD 500 (Approximate)
2nd UPSELL BIS Inner Circle: USD1200 (Approximate)
3rd UPSELL Private Training One on One: USD7,000 (Approximate)
**All prices are just approximate. Different time, different seasons could mean different prices/package

My Final Opinion of Bestselling Income Seminar (also known as Bestselling Profits Workshop)
Dominic the Trainer
Dominic Tay as an individual, I find him to be very humble and does not look he has the feeling of entitlement despite his obvious success. He seems to be genuinely trying his best to help and guide his students/participants to be successful in implementing his course.
Free Training Seminar
For his Free Training seminar, he only provides a glimpse of what his training will be about. However, all the necessary basics are laid out during the free seminar. To those who are sharp, smart, and do not intend to pay for his full seminar, I imagine one can probably figure things out and make it work somehow. I believe it is definitely doable but the figuring out process will take some time and there will be growing pains.
Best Selling Income Seminar aka Bestselling Profit Workshop
This is his real training and the main bread and butter of the course. I mean this course takes full 3 days of training to be completed. In the 3 days, our brain will be cramped with so much information, practical knowledge, and valuable tips on how to be successful as an eBook author selling books on the Amazon KDP platform. If I have one grouch, it would be the “review marketing” training session. Amazon is constantly changing its review product policy and I fear it would not be too long before the method he teaches in that session will be obsolete. Even a few tips he shared, are probably no longer valid. I think I just leave at that.
All these restrictions by Amazon have greatly favored established writers as they have their own fanbase ready to buy and read their books. This means positive reviews usually will come much easily and readily.
Newbies or rookie writers will have to work that much harder, notably to those who do not have a ready fanbase, to begin with.
Nevertheless, review marketing aside, 90% of the other method he teaches are legit and super applicable. If you want to get his course, this is the one to go and you will be ready to be able to successfully produce a good quality eBook for sale on Amazon in no time.
Akdominator software
A powerful Amazon Kindle research software to greatly help you in your writing journey but comes at a very steep price. Only take this if you have money to spare and lazy to do your own research. This software will greatly shorten your related keywords and related Amazon Kindle research especially if you are super lazy, at the expense of your pocket.
There are other alternative Amazon research tools that you can look into as well such as KDSpy and Publisher Rocket.
BIS Inner Circle
This inner circle program is sometimes bundled in with the Akdominator software, so that would probably be a good deal, but still expensive nonetheless. Would I recommend it? If you can afford this expensive but exclusive club, maybe yes. If you want my truthful opinion, I think you should stick to Best Selling Income Seminar aka Bestselling Profit Workshop first. Get the basics right and see how it goes for you. When you think you are getting better and ready to go for the next level, by all means you can just go for it.
Private Training One on One
I would say, for the majority of people, you would not be able to afford this and even if you have the money, you only should go to the top-shelf session when you are really ready to go all out and prepared to be coached by Dominic. If you are still trying out, neither here nor there, please just don’t bother. Just save your time and Dominic’s time.
My conclusion of Bestselling Income Seminar (also known as Bestselling Profits Workshop)
This seminar is greatly presented by Dominic Tay. His course will definitely set you on the right path to be an Amazon book author and sell on the Amazon platform in a short period of time. Can you be a successful and profitable book author? That is hard to say and the competition is just super fierce. If you decide to jump in and take this course, just be aware of these facts and try not to get your expectation too high at first.
Bestselling Income Seminar at a Glance…
Name: Bestselling Income Seminar (also known as Bestselling Profits Workshop)
Website: https://dominictay.com/
Owners: Dominic Tay
Price: USD 500 (Approximate)
Overall Scam Rank: 75 out of 100