The grind of a modern-day work worker
Are you overworked? Worse still, are you overworked and at the same time underpaid?
Such the norm of today’s working life where the top people make the most money and enjoy great benefits. The lowly worker will probably be stuck in the basement for a long time and the opportunity slow and scarce.
Signs that you are overworked
How do you know that you are overworked? Below I list down the tell-tale signs symptoms of an overworked worker.
- Incapable of focusing: You have 7 assignments on hand, 5 pending paperwork on your desk, 6 windows open on your laptop, and okay, which one are you supposed to do first?
- Easily annoyed: You get annoyed or easily irritated with your clients, colleagues, family members, and friends.
- Easily get distracted: Because your sense of focus is diminished, you get easily distracted by even menial tasks instead of focusing on what matters first.
- You dread going to work:
You find it really hard to wake up and get ready for work as the days go by. You are constantly looking for an excuse to skip work and calling in “sick”.
- Getting more addicted to coffee: You drink more and more coffee now and become a caffeine junkie yourself. You can’t seem to work without coffee.
- You binge eating and have unhealthy eating habits: You eat a lot to relieve stress and find comfort in eating unhealthy snacks or junk foods.
- Absent-mindedness: You have the tendency to be absent-minded and easily forget things even for important deadlines and engagements.
- Evading: You try to ignore and evade impending goals and only deal with them in than last minutes.
- Low energy and feeling drained all the time: You are working on low energy levels and look tired almost all the time. Nothing more pleases you than taking a short, quick nap.
- Lacking the proper motivation: You are no longer motivated to work in the office and sporting a “couldn’t care less” attitude.
Do you feel underpaid?
Here’s a fact of life for you, you will always be paid lower than what you are supposed to get. It is an advantage for a company or organization to always underpay you and so they will always do.
Dare to ask for a pay raise that you deserve? What will usually happen? Most of the time, there are 3 things that you do. Accept the pay, demand for changes in pay, or leave the job.
Is this too hard for you to swallow? It is normal to feel that you are underpaid. I feel the same as well. The company I work for sells in US dollars, but I am paid in Ringgit. Pretty pathetic, I know, but that is just the nature of the business.
We, the workers, just running in a never-ending rat race to nowhere and making other people richer.
Get Out of the Rat Race – Do Something About It!
Okay, so you feel a sense of injustice and something needs to be done. Should you resign or quit immediately? Maybe it is not a good idea, especially if you are not ready yet.
You should plan something on what can be done to prepare yourself so that eventually you resigned from your miserable job.
I have written an article post here on what are the things that you can do to earn extra income and eventually may help you to escape from being overworked and underpaid in your job.
For me personally, I am more interested in learning how to build an online business to earn income through the internet the proper way.
I learn how to make money online through my no.1 rated Affiliate Marketing training program and you can read my honest review here.
Thank you for your time and if you have any comments or opinions, just leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.
There are few things in life that give a worse feeling than being overworked or underpaid let alone being in a situation where you’re both. It’s at times like that when you should look for a way to escape. In this article you have managed to give a great recommendation here DLansing
It is so true Diondre. Overworked is one thing and being underpaid, a double whammy in my book. Thank you for your comment Diondre, really appreciate that.
A great article on are you overworked and underpaid! When we’re working “FOR THE MAN” this is a really really common scenario. I’m glad that nowadays there are legitimate ways to have an online business which can replace the “daily grind”. Wealthy Affiliate is definately my Go to -program. Thank you for writing this great article 🙂
Thank you for your comment, Jes! Wealthy Affiliate is my go to program as well 😉
Hey there, I can completely relate to this article. I too have been in the overworked and underpaid category for many years. This is the same for many of people now a days unfortunately. I feel the only way to get out of that cycle is to “Do something about it” Yourself! Your review is spot on! I am so glad I stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate and I will be a lifer. The training is outstanding! Thanks for the article. 🙂
Thank you Mary for being able to relate to this article. I really appreciate that indeed.